New York Times journalist Adam Nagourney called out the Director of Communications for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, Jennifer Palmieri, Thursday for her candidate not holding enough press conferences.
This is not a new critique for the former secretary. Clinton defended herself earlier this year acknowledging that she had yet to do a press conference but had sat down for over 300 interviews.
Palmieri defended Clinton's accessibility with the voters saying she has done, "Hundreds upon hundreds of interviews" but recognized, "Other people's questions matter too, voters' questions matter too."
Nagourney abruptly cuts off Palmieri's statement saying, "That's a false can do both."
Palmieri quickly defended Clinton claiming, "She does do both."
Nagourney told Palmieri they could argue whether or not press conferences are good for presidential candidates but the bottom line is, "She doesn't do them enough."
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has even jumped on the bandwagon critiquing Clinton for her lack of press conferences. At his own press conference on Wednesday in Florida, he knocked Clinton for not holding a press conference in 235 days.