Filmmaker to Re-Enact Suppressed Video Depositions Of Hillary’s Top Aides

Cheryl Mills / AP
June 15, 2016

A filmmaker is seeking to re-enact the depositions of Hillary Clinton’s top aides following a ruling that videos of the aides fielding questions on Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time heading the Department of State could not be released to the public.

Phelim McAleer, the documentary filmmaker behind FrackNation, has put forth the Clinton Emails on Film project that uses transcripts of the testimonies from Hillary’s senior staff during their interviews on the email server. McAleer’s project is being crowdfunded on Indiegogo.

McAleer took on the project after U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled in favor of keeping the videotaped depositions secret following a request from Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff.

"I couldn't believe it when I saw the judge had suppressed the Judicial Watch footage," McAleer said. "These were videos of Hillary Clinton's senior staff being grilled, under oath, about their boss's alleged illegality. It's something the people of America need to see and hear—particularly in an election year."

"I was shocked when the judge caved to Hillary's demands that the videos be suppressed," he continued. "This is dangerous for democracy and something that should not stand. Now with these films, people will be able to see the highlights of each deposition—the evasions and cover-ups that appear to be going on. There should be no special treatment for the elites."

McAleer released the re-enactment of the videotaped deposition of Cheryl Mills. During her deposition, Mills used the phrase "I don’t recall" and "I don’t know" more than 180 times.

The project has raised $32,000 from 728 backers to date and has set a goal of $84,000.

McAleer says there will be a total of five films that will end with longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s testimony.