Brutal Primary in Illinois

Democratic Illinois lawmakers are engaged in a vicious primary fight, according to Courthouse News Service:

A Democratic candidate for the state House claims in court that a Democratic committee falsely accused him of propositioning undercover officers for sex, used "his position as an attorney to have intimate contact with a prison inmate," and performed a sex act on an unconscious woman.

Samuel Cahnman, who seeks Democratic nomination for the 96th state House District, claims the false accusations were sent in a mailer to certain constituents of that district. Cahnman claims the mailer was sent by the Democratic Majority, which supports the candidacy of Cahnman's opponent, fellow Democrat Mary Scherer.

Cahnman has sued the Democratic Majority and its chairman Michael Madigan. Madgan also serves as chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party and is Speaker of the Illinois House.


Published under: Illinois