Major Obama Donor and Sister of Bundler Bails Over Israel Borders

President Obama’s controversial request that Israel retreat to its 1967 borders has caused at least one prominent billionaire to switch parties, the Washington Post reports:

Susan Crown, a philanthropist and member of the billionaire Crown family, has switched sides from supporting Obama in 2008 to backing Romney now, although some of her relatives remain Obama supporters. Crown said in an interview that she was prompted to support Romney after Obama spoke in favor of a return to 1967 borders with land swaps as part of a potential Israeli- Palestinian peace settlement.

Crown notes that independent-leaning voters in Illinois, Obama’s hometown, are fed up with the president’s policies.

"There are a lot of people here who are very disappointed in the president," Crown told the paper, noting that she and her husband have held fundraisers for Romney. "Illinois is very important because it’s Barack Obama’s home state and it has a lot of independents. I’m an independent and I’m working as hard as I can for Mitt."

Published under: Obama Campaign