Congress to DOD: No Cuts Until You Hear from Us

The Hill reports that the Senate Armed Services Committee is warning the Pentagon not to make sudden troop cuts until Congress approves the 2013 defense budget.

According to the Hill:

Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and ranking member John McCain (R-Ariz.) wrote a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Monday urging the Pentagon not to reduce forces until the congressional committees have authorized the 2013 Defense budget.

The senators wrote "it has become clear" that the Pentagon plans to start making moves for the 2013 budget in the current fiscal year, before the congressional committees have been able to tackle the 2013 Defense budget request.

"We request that you not take actions to implement decisions that would be difficult or impossible to reverse by anticipating congressional approval of what may turn out to be very contentious proposals before the committees have had an opportunity to produce bills reflecting their responses to the fiscal year 2013 budget request," the senators wrote.


Published under: Department of Defense