'Clean sweeps' at Occupy Denver after reported scabies infection

The city of Denver will now make regular "clean sweeps" of Occupy Denver after one of its members told police he was infected with scabies as he was being arrested. According to the Denver Post:

A parasite could do what Denver police have not: Drive off homeless people and Occupy Denver protesters who sleep along the Broadway sidewalk between Colfax Avenue to 14th Avenue.

The city announced Monday afternoon it will now make regular "clean sweeps" to clear the right of way of sleeping bags, blankets and other personal possessions, after one of the people who sleep along theedge of Civic Center park was found to have scabies, a skin-burrowing mite, on Friday.

The man, who has not been named, had an outstanding warrant and allegedly told police he had scabies as he was being arrested. Police called the Denver Department of Environmental Health, which confiscated theman's belongings and cleared the area of other items.

Published under: Occupy Movement