Florida county Democrats take down Obama flag from headquarters

Local vets call flag a 'desecration'

Officials at a Florida county branch of the Democratic Party have removed an American flag with President Barack Obama's face on it, after complaints from local veterans.

The flag replaces the stars with Obama's face, and had been flying at the headquarters of the Lake County Democratic Party in Taveras, Fla., for several months, reports the Orlando Sentinel:

A short confrontation at the Democratic office ended when party chairwoman Nancy Hurlbert took down the controversial flag, which had been flying under an American flag on the same flagpole.

"It's a cult of personality to show his face, like Stalin or Mao," said John Masterjohn, a former Marine and retired schoolteacher from Leesburg. "It's despicable. They don't realize how sick they are."

But Hurlbert said it was the first time that anyone had complained about the flag, which was given as a gift and had been flying for several months without any response from the public.

Published under: Democratic Donors