Tax returns revealing the Clintons made more than $140 million from 2007 to 2014 will only "add some ammunition" to the perception that Hillary Clinton is too out of touch to fight for the middle class, CNN"s Jeff Zeleny said Sunday.
"I don't think this changes anyone's perception of the Clintons," he said. "It just gives a few more zeroes onto things, but it adds some ammunition, no question about it. That's why she has to prove, it's her burden to prove, that she's a fighter for the middle class."
Zeleny also made reference to Clinton's claim that she and husband Bill Clinton were "dead broke" upon leaving the White House in 2001.
"It's an easy ad when she told ABC's Diane Sawyer we were dead broke, that's why we had to do this," Zeleny said. "It just simply isn't true."
Clinton's 2013 speaking fee list revealed tight connections with Wall Street, which Zeleny said Democrats will use to attack Clinton from the left.
Inside Politics host John King also quipped that a lot of the newly released emails from Clinton's private server at the State Department revealed aides telling her how great she was.