Video Highlights the Bond Between Rick Perry and Marcus Luttrell

Former Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry’s political action committee released a new video that highlights the bond between Navy SEAL Marcus Lutrell and the former governor.

Lutrell was a Navy SEAL who escaped a 2005 Taliban ambush in Afghanistan. He was the only SEAL who survived the ambush. Lutrell wrote about his experience in the book Lone Survivor, which was later adapted into a movie.

The video gives a glimpse of the relationship between Gov. Perry and Lutrell. Lutrell struggled to readjust to civilian life. But then he met the Perry family.

"When I came into the Perry family its just came one of those deals where it was the only family I had.  No matter when I call, they would answer the phone, morning or night," Lutrell said.

The video continues with a speech from Gov. Perry that honors the men and women who serve and sacrificed in service of their nation.

"For generations, we have had selfless patriots who gave the ultimate sacrifice. When they were asked to serve their country, they held up their hands and said ‘Here am I. Send me.’"

Published under: 2016 Election , Military