Dianne Feinstein: Petraeus Shouldn't Be Indicted

January 11, 2015

If left up to Senator Dianne Feinstein, General David Petraeus would not be prosecuted for disclosure of classified information.

The former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said that the "four-star general of our generation" has "suffered enough in my view."

Speaking on CNN's State of the Union this morning, Feinstein rallied behind Petraeus after reports indicated that Justice Department prosecutors are recommending filing felony charges against the former CIA director. The prosecutors believe that they have more than enough evidence to convict Petraeus for divulging classified information to his former mistress Paula Broadwell.

"People aren't perfect, he made a mistake," said Feinstein.

Feinstein, who has worked very closely with Petraeus, called him a "very brilliant man." A number of other senators have come to defend Petraeus on Sunday talk shows including Senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain.