A majority of registered voters in key battleground states call President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act "a bad thing" and support its repeal if a Republican becomes president in November, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll.
USA Today reports:
Two years after he signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—and as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments about its constitutionality next month—the president has failed to convince most Americans that it was the right thing to do.
"Mandating that you have to buy the insurance rubs me the wrong way altogether," says Fred Harrison, 62, a horse trainer from York County, Pa., who was among those surveyed and supports repeal even though he likes some provisions of the law. "It should be my own choice." ...
In the poll, Obama lags the two leading Republican rivals in the 12 states likely to determine the outcome of a close race in November:
- Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum tops Obama 50%-45% in the swing states. Nationwide, Santorum's lead narrows to 49%-46%.
- Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney edges Obama 48%-46% in the swing states. Nationwide, they are tied at 47% each.