Inside the Ring: Confessions of a Panda Hugger

November 27, 2014

William A. Reinsch, former undersecretary of commerce for export administration under President Bill Clinton, offered a surprising mea culpa in the latest annual report by the U.S.- China Economic and Security Review Commission made public earlier this month.

Once among the more dovish U.S. officials toward China, Mr. Reinsch, the commission’s vice chairman, has described China as "dangerous."

"It is a real disappointment for me to write these things," Mr. Reinsch stated in an "Additional Views" section. "I have always been an optimist about the relationship, but that view is becoming increasingly untenable, as China asserts itself in ways that are inevitably going to bump up against our interests in the region and in multilateral fora."

Read the full article at the Washington Times.

Published under: China