Jeanne Shaheen Lied About Her Nuclear Energy Record

October 22, 2014

Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown caught incumbent Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.) in a blatant lie about her position on nuclear energy during a debate Tuesday night.

"Many people have received their electric notices--they're going up 50 to 100 percent right now as a result of the efforts, not only of President Obama but Senator Shaheen, to curtail not only our development of oil, natural gas, she's against nuclear," Brown said.

"No I'm not," Shaheen interrupted. "Where did you get that?"

Brown pointed out that Shaheen made an effort to stop the operation of the Seabrook nuclear power plant in the late 1980s, which Shaheen again denied.

"Senator, with respect, you did," Brown said.

Shaheen called nuclear power "dangerous" in 1987 and claimed that nuclear power would not reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

Shaheen's campaign has asserted that nuclear energy is "part of our energy mix," and claimed that she former New Hampshire governor has not changed her position at all.