New Tom Cotton Ad: 'Urgent'

Rep. Tom Cotton's (R., Ark.) latest campaign ad begins with Cotton saying he was "deeply affected" by incoming casualties at Arlington National Cemetery while he served as a platoon leader there, and goes on to say that "serious times demand serious leaders."

Cotton, who has served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, says that his time at the cemetery "made me want to go serve again, and that's ultimately why I volunteered to go fight in Afghanistan."

"Serious times demand serious leaders," the ad continues, "It can be a matter of life and death for your countrymen on the battlefield - or your fellow citizens right here in the United States."

Cotton's opponent, Sen. Mark Pryor (D., Ark.), has recently received some harsh criticism on his latest attack ad against Cotton in which he attempts to tie Cotton to the Ebola outbreak.

Published under: Mark Pryor , Tom Cotton