Van Jones: I Won't 'Defend All of the Bureaucratic Shenanigans at the IRS'

Even CNN's Van Jones, a liberal former member of the Obama administration, said he couldn't defend what he called the "bureaucratic shenanigans" at the IRS during CrossFire Tuesday.

After he initially acknowledged there was legitimacy to the scandal within the Veterans Affairs administration, Jones then sought to downplay IRS targeting of conservative groups. However, conservative host S.E. Cupp pointed out the media was burying the story, not to mention the silence of Lois Lerner and the latest revelation: missing emails at the heart of the investigation that conveniently vanished, all creating a picture that the American people are being stonewalled on a scandal within a major government agency.

"I'm going to give you something," Jones said. "I am not going to sit here and try and defend all of the bureaucratic shenanigans at the IRS. I don't know enough about it. Frankly, if e-mails are disappearing, stuff like that, that worries me, too. But the fundamental point that the IRS should not be giving 501 (c) (3) status to groups who say they want to influence politics, that's across the board."

Published under: IRS , Van Jones