On CNN's Crossfire, Stephanie Cutter claimed Tuesday that George W. Bush "couldn't bring Russia and China to the table on the Iran sanctions", while Hillary Clinton succeeded in doing so. "That’s an accomplishment," Cutter remarked.
While it might be an accomplishment, it’s one that did in fact belong to Bush. And Bush, unlike Clinton, achieved unanimous votes from the U.N. Security Council on Iran sanctions. Russia and China, as Cutter may not be aware, are both permanent members of the U.N. Security Council.
Gushing over Clinton’s accomplishments, Cutter declared, "We have prevented them from getting the nuclear bomb, which is more than most people can say, had we not done those things."
According to one report, Iran could prepare a nuclear bomb within a month, should they choose to do so. Sanctions have not impacted the technology that Iran already has to implement a bomb.
The Free Beacon has previously reported that the interim nuclear deal, negotiated largely under the Clinton State Department, did little to actually hamper Iran’s nuclear program.