LaBolt to Would-Be Speech Attendees: Host Watch Parties at Home

September 5, 2012

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt told would-be attendees of President Obama's Thursday speech to host watch parties at home, in an interview with ABC Charlotte.

The Obama campaign announced Wednesday morning the president's speech would be moved from Bank of America Stadium to Time Warner Cable Arena -- a capacity difference of more than 40,000 -- leaving thousands with tickets disappointed.

LaBolt said the president will hold a conference call with people who had tickets.

"What are the specific options for them? Will any of them be able to come here to Time Warner Cable Arena? If so, how will you decide who gets to be a part of this?" ABC Charlotte asked LaBolt.

"At this point it doesn't look like they will," he said. "We encourage them to have watch parties at home."

Published under: Ben LaBolt