What Do Cities With High Levels of Income Inequality Have in Common? (Hint: Democrats)

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio / AP
March 10, 2014

The Brookings Institution released a study last month on one of the Democratic Party’s pet issues: income inequality. The study examined the major U.S. cities with the highest and lowest levels of inequality:

Income inequality

In the interest of making these figures easier to digest and understand, we offer the following nuggets of crucial context:

Cities with the Highest Levels of Inequality

1. Atlanta, GA

Last five mayors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Last five state governors: Republican, Republican, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

2. San Francisco, CA

Last five mayors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Last five state governors: Democrat, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Democrat, Republican, Republican

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

3. Miami, FL

Last five mayors: Republican, Independent (former Democrat), Republican, Republican, Republican

Last five state governors: Republican, Charlie Crist, Republican, Democrat, Democrat

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

4. Boston, MA

Last five mayors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Last five state governors: Democrat, Mitt Romney, Republican, Republican, Republican

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

5. Washington, DC

Last five mayors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Last five state governors: n/a

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

6. New York, NY 

Last five mayors: Democrat, Michael Bloomberg, Republican, Democrat, Democrat

Last five state governors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Republican, Democrat

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

7. Oakland, CA

Last five mayors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Last five state governors: Democrat, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Democrat, Republican, Republican

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

8. Chicago, IL

Last five mayors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Last five state governors: Democrat, Democrat, Republican, Republican, Republican

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

9. Los Angeles, CA

Last five mayors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Republican, Democrat

Last five state governors: Democrat, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Democrat, Republican, Republican

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden

10. Baltimore, MD

Last five mayors: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Last five state governors: Democrat, Republican, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat

Presidential vote, last two cycles: Obama-Biden, Obama-Biden


Published under: Democratic Party