Iowa Man Fired After Using Forklift to Free Stuck Twix Bar

February 21, 2014

Call it a case of being bewitched by a Twix!

A Des Moines man creatively attempted to retrieve a stuck Twix bar in a vending machine by using a forklift. Robert McKevitt, the man in hot pursuit of the Twix bar, didn’t leave empty handed, though: he was handed a pink slip by his boss and managed to wrangle two more bars from the vending machine.

McKevitt, got a case of the munchies while working the second shift at Polaris’ Industries warehouse. He had a serious hankering for a Twix bar. He fed the vending machine a $1. He eagerly watched for the candy bar to drop into the machine’s retrieval spot, but during its descent, the bar became stuck.

"I was, like, ‘Oh, man.’ So I put in another dollar, and then it wouldn’t do anything," he explained.

McKevitt tried the usual methods to get the bar out- he banged on the side of the machine and tried to rock it back and forth. His attempts were unsuccessful, however.

His frustration grew, so McKevitt walked around the store and returned riding an 8000 pound forklift.

He drove up to the vending machine, lifted it two feet off the ground, and let it drop.  He did this six times. When he was finished, three candy bars had dropped into the retrieval box.

McKevitt’s supervisor confronted him about the incident, and he told him that he just wanted to get the Twix bar he had paid for.

Five days later, he was fired.

McKevitt was not happy with the end result. "That machine was trouble. They fired me, and now I hear they have all new vending machines there," he said.

Published under: Humor