Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R., Ill.) said the Obama administration needs to show commitment to Afghanistan and look to negotiate with their next leader after Hamid Karzai leaves office Thursday on Fox News.
Kinzinger slammed the outgoing Afghan president for releasing 65 convicted Taliban prisoners in a move seen as an attempt to ingratiate Karzai to the terrorist organization. "He's attempting to appease the Taliban when in reality he needs to show the kind of leadership that I think American forces show every day in his country and some of the [...] Afghanistan forces, National Forces show in apprehending the Taliban" he said.
The Illinois congressman cautioned the black flag of Al Qaeda that now flies over Fallujah serves as a warning for the consequences of militarily abandoning our allies in the Middle East. Instead, Kinzinger emphasized the U.S. needs to illustrate its intent to maintain a strong relationship with Afghanistan such that America can negotiate with their next leader and ensure the Taliban do not make a resurgence.