Pelosi Tries to Spin on Campaign Finance, Gets Laughed at By Daily Show Audience

January 31, 2014

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) attempted to spin when it came to campaign finance and the Democratic party Thursday in an extended online interview on The Daily Show.

Host Jon Stewart told Pelosi Democrats are hypocrites to suggest they are not influenced by big money or corporate interests. Pelosi denied earlier in the segment campaign contributions are any source of corruption for Democrats. "Green knows no party, it's blue and red, but green is the thing," Stewart said.

Clearly unsure how to answer the charge, Pelosi launched into a ridiculous green/environmental metaphor that even had the liberal Daily Show audience laughing:

JON STEWART: […] That being said the Democrats do themselves no favors when the programs they implement are not efficient and agile --

NANCY PELOSI: Totally agree.

STEWART: And when they suggest that they themselves are unimpeachably pristine and are not corrupted by the same money that we know flows through those halls. Green knows no party, it's blue and red, but green is the thing.

PELOSI: Well, since you used the color green, let me just say that we are the party of green in terms of protecting the environment, the air we breath, the water we drink.