Kentucky State Rep Accidentally Fires Gun in Her Office

'I need to stick with revolvers'

Democratic Kentucky state representative Lesley Combs accidentally fired her Ruger semi-automatic handgun in her Capitol Annex office Tuesday. No injures were reported, however.

"I obviously was stunned," she said. "That's a first."

WHAS reports:

The three-term representative said her Ruger semi-automatic handgun accidentally fired as she unloaded it while meeting with Representative Jeff Greer (D-Brandenburg).

"I was purposefully disarming it to put it up because I didn't like it and didn't want to use it anymore," Combs explained that she was planning on selling the gun.

"Why at that particular moment? I kind of had it on my brain. I had it in my purse," Combs said.  "I carried it usually, and I thought I want to put that sucker away. And I did. And I was going through the process as I have been trained to do, had it pointed in the proper direction like I've been trained, was disarming it like Ive been trained to do, and I said I am a gun owner .... it happens."

While many  lawmakers carry guns there, it remains a concern to some:

Louisville representative Mary Lou Marzian tried to prohibit guns at the capitol several years ago and said the issue should be reconsidered.

"I think we need to look at whether or not we're going to allow guns around here," Marzian said.  "I think we really have to look at safety, the volatility of a weapon that could go off and really injure somebody."

Combs is sticking by her Second Amendment rights, and was already planning to replace her gun.

"It's an automatic," Combs said.  "I need to stick with revolvers."