Obamacare Problems Shown in the 'Real Life of Julia'

December 11, 2013

The Independent Women’s Voice group has launched a blog to highlight Obamacare’s negative effects on women using the Obama campaign’s "Meet Julia" motif.

The website titled "The Real Life of Julia" shows a faceless young woman trying to apply for Obamacare. Health care "navigators" encourage her to lie when she enrolls in order to avoid high deductibles. Instead, Julia decides to tell the truth, which she pays for with premiums that are twice as high as before. Additionally, she has to find new doctors who will accept her insurance.

Each scene of Julia’s life is followed by links to corresponding articles that go into further detail about the problems the Affordable Care Act has caused for many Americans.

The website also provides links to other websites where users can write to legislators and ask them to end Congress' exemption to Obamacare. Users are also directed to a website where they can share their own story about losing their insurance after Obamacare's implementation.