McCain: John Kerry Has Been a 'Human Wrecking Ball'

November 14, 2013

Senator John McCain (R., Ariz.) tore into Secretary of State John Kerry over his handling of the negotiations with Iran, describing the United States’ chief diplomat as a "human wrecking ball".

"Frankly I have never been more worried about the parameters of this deal," McCain told the crowd at The Atlantic’s Ideas Forum Thursday morning. "I'm told yesterday that Secretary Kerry refused to give any details of the negotiation position of the United States in these negotiations, and yet at the same time he wants to rely on our good will," the Senator continued, referring to a classified meeting Sec. Kerry had with members of the Senate Banking Committee Wednesday.

McCain, who served with Kerry in the Senate for 26 years, described the former Massachusetts Senator as "a good friend" of his, but that his handling of the talks with Iran, and before, Syria, had left him "very disappointed."

"When the President of the United States in a historic moment says he's going to launch a strike on another country -- i.e. Syria -- and the Sec. of State says don't worry, it will be quote "unbelievably small". Now that is staggering. That's mindboggling."

McCain noted that both Israel and Arab countries had united in opposition to the proposed deal with Iran, saying, "This is the first time I’ve seen Arab countries and Israel united concerning Iran."