Left-Wing Violence: Bernie Minion Nabbed in Possible Assassination Attempt

Getty Images
October 5, 2023

A shirtless man arrested for carrying a gun while demanding to see the Wisconsin governor is a Bernie Sanders supporter, records show.

Joshua Pleasnick was arrested Wednesday in the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison after open-carrying a handgun and demanding security officers allow him to see the state's Democratic governor Tony Evers.

"Pleasnick was told he could not open carry in the Capitol," a Capitol staff alert says. "Pleasnick stated he would not comply with that order. Pleasnick was arrested for openly carrying a firearm in a public building. While being interviewed Pleasnick said he would continue coming to the Capitol until he spoke to the Governor about domestic abuse towards men."

He later returned to the building after posting bail for his arrest, this time carrying anĀ "an AK-style rifle" and once again demanding to speak with Evers. He was taken into protective custody.

Federal Election Commission records show he twice donated small amounts, $3 and $27, to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) during his presidential campaigns.

Pleasnick would not be the first Sanders supporter to pose a threat to elected leaders. A Sanders volunteer in 2017 shot up a GOP congressional baseball practice, severely injuring Rep. Steve Scalise (La.) before being killed by police.

In June 2022, a leftist California man attempted to kill conservative Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh in an effort to prevent the Court from overturning Roe v. Wade.

Published under: Bernie Sanders