Top Republican Demands Investigation of Biden Energy Secretary Over Her Shifting Story on Ford Stocks

Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm / Getty Images
June 15, 2023

The Senate energy committee's top Republican is demanding an investigation of President Joe Biden's energy secretary after she admitted she failed to disclose a number of stock holdings, including her husband's stake in auto giant Ford.

Sen. John Barrasso (R., Wyo.) sent a letter to the Energy Department's inspector general on Wednesday, calling on the department to investigate Secretary Jennifer Granholm's "misrepresentation of her financial holdings before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources" and her "failure to disclose her husband's ownership of conflicting Ford stock."

In May 2021, she earned a $1.6 million profit on the sale of her stocks in Proterra, an electric vehicle company the administration was actively promoting. Many cities that have purchased Proterra buses have reported problems in the buses' service.

Granholm's stock holdings have been under scrutiny for almost as long as she has been in office.

On Monday, she sent a letter to Barrasso's committee acknowledging that she failed to disclose that her husband owned stock in Ford Motor Company while the Biden administration was shelling out hundreds of billions of dollars in electric vehicle subsidies and promoting Ford's electric Mustang.

Published under: Energy , Jennifer Granholm