Mass. Dem arrested on domestic kidnapping, assault charges

Mass. state Rep. Carlos Henriquez (D) was arrested Sunday on domestic kidnapping and assault charges, Fox Boston reports:

ANCHOR: Alarming accusations lead to the arrest of a state representative—his alleged victim a woman who works at the state House.

ANCHOR: This morning that rep will beep in court facing domestic kidnapping and assault charges. State Rep. Carlos Henriquez of Dorchester was arrested Sunday morning on Forsythe St., near Northeastern University. Police say a woman got out of the car Enriquez was driving and told an officer she had been held against her will for hours. That woman also claims Henriquez hit her during a heated argument. That news reaching the top at Beacon Hill:

GOV. DEVAL PATRICK: I just found out about it and I’m obviously troubled about that.

SARAH WENIG: I can't imagine this isn't a total anomaly for him and I wouldn't be surprised if there were other factors involved.

ANCHOR: Henriquez was held overnight but has since been released on bail. He’s very active on Twitter but since his arrest has not made any type of public comment.

Published under: Crime Blotter