Sen. Claire McCaskill said Wednesday she has asked the president to campaign with her in Missouri, in an interview with "Morning Joe."
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Hear you're going to the democratic convention, is that because you're going to be working hard for the people of Missouri?
CLAIRE MCCASKILL: Actually I've never gone when I've had a contested race. I think, you know, you've got to say to people at home which is more important, going to a place with a bunch of party honchos and having cocktail parties or being at home talking to them. so this has never been a hard call for me. everybody's trying to make this a big deal, a narrative. It's stupid.
SCARBOROUGH: Has nothing to do with the president not being popular?
MCCASKILL: Absolutely not. No. I've asked the president to campaign in Missouri.
MCCASKILL: Of course.