N.C. Dem refuses to endorse Obama for president

North Carolina Blue Dog Rep. Mike McIntyre (D., N.C.) refused to endorse President Obama, in an interview Saturday with WSFX in Wilmington:

ANCHOR: Rep. Mike McIntyre is staying clear of endorsing a presidential candidate for the November election. We asked Rep. McIntyre this afternoon if he was going to endorse a presidential candidate. He says his focus is on the congressional race, and not any other races. McIntyre says he is focusing his efforts on eastern North Carolina and making it better for the people who live and work in the state.

McINTYRE: We’ve always been steadfast in our work for Eastern North Carolina, and I’m grateful because we’ve had Republican and Democratic friends who’ve supported us because they know my heart is here, and it’s not about any party agenda or any other person’s agenda. Our focus is on the congressional race in Eastern North Carolina.

ANCHOR: Now, we’ve been asking McIntyre if he would endorse President Obama for reelection bid—he hasn’t answered that question.

The battleground state will host to the Democratic National Convention in September.

Published under: DNC