Foreign Embassies in Israel Preparing for Iran Strike Retaliation

February 8, 2012

Foreign embassies in Israel are reportedly gearing up for the fallout that would follow an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites.

Diplomats in the Jewish state are requesting gas masks for themselves and their families, and have been provided with a list of public bomb shelters across the country, according to a report in the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth that was picked up by Ynet, an English language news site in Israel.

Per Ynet:

Senior officials in Jerusalem said that several diplomatic missions have shown great interest in preparing for various emergency situations, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Tuesday…

The Foreign Ministry has provided foreign embassies in Israel with a list of public bomb shelters across the country, as well as an instructional pamphlet in English produced by the IDF Home Front Command.

Diplomatic officials deployed in Israel are particularly concerned about the possibility of a missile offensive on the Jewish State that would prompt thousands of Israeli citizens with foreign passports to seek evacuation from country.

Published under: Iran