Amy Coney Barrett Sworn in at the White House

October 26, 2020

After Senate Republicans voted to confirm her to the U.S. Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett took an oath in support of the Constitution at the White House Monday night.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas swore in Barrett in a ceremony on the White House's South Lawn. She will officially become a justice tomorrow at the Supreme Court after taking her judicial oath in a ceremony with Chief Justice John Roberts.

Senate Republicans voted to confirm Barrett 52-48 with only one Republican voting against her confirmation. No Democrats voted in her favor.

She will be joining the Court at a busy time. Justices will soon be ruling on high-profile cases involvingĀ absentee mail-in ballot deadlines, abortion, religious freedom, and other contentious topics.

Despite having gained a majority of the public's support over the course of her confirmation hearings, Barrett faced criticism from Democrats because of her originalist jurisprudence and conservative personal beliefs. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) called her confirmation "one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate."