Raskin Salutes Anti-Israel Actor Danny Glover at Rally

Glover called for complete cultural boycott of Israel in 2014

July 19, 2019

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) saluted anti-Israel actor Danny Glover during a rally Thursday in Maryland.

Raskin, who opposes the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, pointed out Glover to the crowd at an event featuring Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.).

"Please welcome the great actor, Danny Glover," Raskin said, to cheers from the crowd in Silver Spring, Md.

Glover called for a cultural boycott of Israel in 2014 and protested the screening of a documentary he appeared in at a Tel Aviv film festival, in recognition of the BDS movement.

During riots at the Gaza Strip-Israel border last May, Glover tweeted Israel had killed "Palestinian civilians" with "vicious, immoral attacks on nonviolent demonstrators," although dozens of those killed were Hamas militants.

Raskin told Jewish Insider in May he opposed BDS because he did not favor of "strategies of isolation and quarantine and boycott."

"I think that what the Middle East needs is just the reverse," he said. "It needs a lot more dialogue, a lot more social exchange and engagement between the two sides. All nations and communities there. You know, I’m not on any of the foreign policy committees … but what I tried to do is to sponsor discussions here about efforts to bring Israelis and Palestinians together.

While Raskin opposes BDS, he has the endorsement of the left-wing, anti-Israel group J Street.

Published under: BDS , Israel , Video