Keane: Obama Does Not Want to Get Involved in Syria

Ret. Gen. Jack Keane said he believes the Obama administration does not want to get involved in the Syrian conflict Wednesday on Fox News, saying "they do lack will" in his judgment:

JENNA LEE: The question for President Barack Obama is not our capacity to join that fight. It is the will. And now we're joined by General Jack Keane. So General Keane, with everything that's happened over the last few days, do you think our will maybe is shifting?

KEANE: Oh, I'm not sure, Jenna. I got the general feeling that the administration does not want to get involved in Syria, just as they pulled so rapidly out of Iraq and they're trying to get out of Afghanistan. They don't want any involvement in the Middle East, and they've been disengaging. I think very reluctantly, they are trying to avoid any conflict in Syria. They do lack will in my judgment.

Keane co-authored an editorial in the Wall Street Journal with the American Enterprise Institute's Danielle Pletka last week advocating the U.S. strike at Syrian leader Bashir al-Assad's airfields and war planes, arguing such assistance would give the rebels a chance to stop Assad's slaughter without putting American troops in harm's way.