Jon Lovitz: Is Obama 'putting a cap on success now'?

JON LOVITZ: And then you have legal deductions—not loopholes, legal deductions—that the IRS allows. You think everyone’s fooling the IRS?

PIERS MORGAN: How many of your Hollywood showbiz mates agree with you? How many are disaffected with Obama, do you think?

LOVITZ: A lot. A lot more than they’re saying.

MORGAN: A lot more were in favor of him before?

LOVITZ: Yeah. He’s hypocritical when he’s saying, "You know, this 1 percent, they don’t understand us." Obama’s in the 1 percent now. He made $4.3 million the year he was elected. He’s said, $300,000 that’s enough money for anybody to make. Is he putting a cap on success now? He’s getting paid $400,000 a year as president—is he giving back $100,000?

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