60 Minutes Fact-Checks Obama on Obamacare: 'It's the Taxpayers Who Are Left Holding the Bag'

January 12, 2015

When given the chance, President Obama loves to tout one of the purported benefits of the Affordable Care Act: Health care costs are the lowest they have been in years. This is not the case.

While health care costs have slowed, they are still on the rise at twice the rate of inflation. What was meant to be a safety net for Americans has left them "holding the bag."

"Obamacare is the taxpayers intervening to pay the private sector for the already inflated prices that they charge for health care," Steven Brill said. 

Inflated hospital costs and rising drug costs,  just some the biggest costs in Obamacare, are the cause of backroom lobbying and lack of cost containment. With no cost containment when the law was drafted it would be impossible to put cost containment in a year since it went into action.

Published under: Obamacare