Maddow: First Question I'd Ask Trump on My Show Is Would He Send Me or Anyone Else 'to a Camp'

January 5, 2017

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said Wednesday night that if Donald Trump ever appeared on her nighttime show, she would ask the president-elect if he intends on sending her or anyone else she knows "to a camp."

Maddow made the comment during an appearance on "Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen," which airs on Bravo.

"[A viewer] wants to know if you booked Donald Trump on your show, what would your first question be?" host Andy Cohen asked.

Maddow rolled her head back and said "uh" with dramatic effect.

The crowd laughed.

"Are you going to send me or anybody that I know to a camp?" Maddow then said.

The crowd laughed again, and a woman in the audience could be heard shouting.

Cohen did not respond but smiled.

Maddow also smiled while he changed the subject to talk about Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I., Vt.) recent appearance on the Senate floor.

Other liberal public figures, particularly in Hollywood, have expressed similar sentiments about Trump. One recent star-studded video, for example, asked the public not to vote for Trump, and weeks later another similar video asked presidential electors not to vote for him in the Electoral College. There was then a third attempt made that asked more people to just reject Trump's presidency.