CNN's John King on GOP Tax Reform: Working Families Will Get 'Damn Good Money'

December 20, 2017

CNN's John King said on Wednesday that the Republican tax reform plan will give working families "damn good money."

King was watching the House of Representatives on Wednesday vote on the passage of the tax reform legislation.

"Not one Democrat has voted for a bill that cuts taxes by $1.5 trillion," King said.

"If you're a working-class family, a lot of people say ‘oh it's only $200, oh it's only $300, if you're a working-class family living paycheck to paycheck, $200, $300 is damn good money and you are grateful for it," King said.

Some critics of the Republican tax reform plan, which passed the House on Wednesday and is on the way to the president's desk, have been dismissive of the amount of money some working-class families may save. Democratic lawmakers and much of the mainstream media have continued to argue the tax plan purely benefits the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.