Inside the Ring: La. Cop Killer Renounced ‘Slave Name,’ Joined Black Anti-Government Group

Police officers block off a road after a shooting of police in Baton Rouge
Police officers block off a road after a shooting of police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana / Reuters
July 21, 2016

The former Marine sergeant who murdered three Louisiana police officers this week was part of a black anti-government movement called the Moorish Nation, according to a law enforcement intelligence report.

Gavin Eugene Long shot six police officers, killing three and wounding the others in an attack Sunday in Baton Rouge. He was killed by a police sniper.

According to a report by the Symbol Intelligence Group, a private intelligence contractor, Long was a "textbook spiritual seeker" who had joined several anti-government groups, including the Washitaw Nation, New Freedom Group, National of Islam, and Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance.

Read the entire article at the Washington Times.