Your Daily Reminder that Unions Are Scummy

June 19, 2013

According to the UFCW, privatizing liquor stores will lead to more deaths. No, seriously!

If the unions were really worried about the children—won't someone please think of the children?—wouldn't they push for the closing of all liquor stores? It's not like Pennsylvania has zero drunk-driving deaths now. Ah, but closing all the state-run liquor stores would lead to lots of lost UFCW jobs. I guess a few fatherless children are okay after all. There are dues at stake, after all.

If you can't tell, I'm being extremely sarcastic. There is no evidence whatsoever that privatizing the state's liquor stores would lead to more deaths. There is, however, a ton of evidence that privatizing liquor stores will lead to fewer UFCW jobs. And we can't have that now, can we? So why not resort to a bit of demagoguery?

Unions are the worst.

(h/t Patrick Brennan)

Published under: Democratic Donors