Like many Midwesterners, Bret Bielema has emigrated from the Rustbelt to the limitless prosperity of the Sunbelt. Count me as a skeptic, but Bielema does seem attuned to success, such as when he swapped spending New Year's Day coaching in Pasadena for golfing in Fayettesville.
As the new head coach at University of Arkansas, Bielema is forging a two-pronged attack to compete with LSU and Texas A&M. While he's recruiting for the field, wife Jen is recruiting via the Instagrams and Twitter.

The Bielemas have been working tirelessly for Arkansas's bounceback season after meandering last year to a 4-8 finish.

To inject excitement into the program, Jen is seen around town "throwing the A" to much aplomb.

We found Jen also working during Saturday's game versus Louisiana-Layfette. She rocked her gameday uniform with pride.
Being a coach's wife is just as demanding as being a coach. Jen paid homage to the team mascot, Tusk, to build credibility in the tradition-rich Southeastern Conference. You don't see Terry Saban feeding Big Al on Saturdays.

Jen singlehandedly boosts Arkansas's national recruiting profile. How often is a coach's wife mistaken for a student?

Alabama may have dropped $9 million to outpace most NFL teams' facilities, but the value of Jen Bielema is unmeasurable.