The DNC Fundraising Problem Explained in One Chart


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February 3, 2016

In February 2015, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was one of eight charter members of the #DNCVegetarianLunchClub.

From Monday through Thursday on weeks that Congress is in session, a member of the #DNCVegetarianLunchClub prepares a meat-free meal, photos of which are often posted online using the group's official hashtag. By mid-July, the club had 17 members.

This week, the group had its one year anniversary, and Schultz took to Instagram to celebrate the fact that the club has tripled in size to 24 members.

This is one of the few things that Schultz is able to celebrate at the DNC, which has been marred by internal strife and fundraising issues.

Yet there is a direct correlation between the fundraising issues and the growing number of vegetable eaters in the DNC ranks, a Washington Free Beacon analysis shows.

When the #DNCVegetarianLunchClub was founded, the DNC actually had a $1,887,551 advantage over the RNC in cash on hand.

As the club's membership grew steadily over the year, however, that advantage flipped to the RNC, which currently has $12,604,992 more cash on hand than the DNC.

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While the DNC was busy eating clean, the RNC was eating meat—a lot of it.

It had multiple events catered by Rocklands Barbeque so far this cycle, according to an analysis of the committee's filings, a decision which the Free Beacon endorses.

An additional $431 was spent at DCity Smokehouse.

Another man who loves meat is Bernie Sanders, who has been warring with the DNC over its preferential treatment of Hillary Clinton.

He loves meat so much that he was asked to write the foreword for "Good Meat." No wonder Debbie doesn't like him.
