The Latest

The Bony Face of Failure: Another Foreign Policy Disaster on Jake Sullivan's Watch

Sickly, sleep-deprived psychopath recently boasted, 'The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades'

October 12, 2023

Biden Move To Halt Syria Sanctions Will Boost Assad, Critics Say

GOP lawmakers say US sanctions already include carveouts for humanitarian aid to reach Syria in wake of earthquake

February 13, 2023

Barnes Praises Khamenei, Hopes to Be 'Dennis Rodman' of the Assad Regime

Wisconsin Dem took to social media to celebrate world's most notorious dictators

October 19, 2022

How the Biden Admin Is Protecting Syria's Assad From Sanctions

Congressional report on Assad finances 'late, lackadaisical, riddled with errors'

April 29, 2022

Biden Under Fire for Decision to Grant Syrian Dictator's Cousin a US Visa

Biden admin silent as lawmakers worry it seeks to normalize relations with Assad

October 27, 2021

Congress Investigates Biden Admin for Dropping Sanctions on Assad Ally

Just before Iran talks resume, State Department lifted sanctions without consulting Congress

June 14, 2021