Ill. Governor: God Should Be in Party Platform

Pat Quinn: “In God we trust, that's our slogan for the United States of America. I think we should probably start the platform with that.”

September 5, 2012

Gov. Pat Quinn (D) said Thursday the Democratic Party's platform should contain the word God, in an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd:

CHUCK TODD: Here's another one: Republicans very upset that God is not in the platform. You think--you don't think it matters?

QUINN: I think it matters. I think the president is a God-fearing man.

TODD: But should it have been in the platform?

QUINN: "In God we trust" -- that's our slogan for the United States of America. I think we should probably start the platform with that.

Democrats have faced tough questioning from a number of media outlets after the release of the platform earlier this week. The platform excised portions of the 2008 platform, including God and language declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel.