Tapper's Idea to Improve WH Briefings: 'They Could Start Providing Us with Information'
'That would be...new'
November 29, 2012
Collins: Obvious that Rice Chose to Emphasize Some Aspects and Downplay Others
Maine Senator to Wolf: 'I don't think the Sec. of State or U.N. ambassador should be...playing essentially the role of the administration's defender'
November 28, 2012
Market Falls as Grijalva Talks Fiscal Cliff
Arizona Dem says entitlements sacred, willing to go over fiscal cliff if necessary
November 27, 2012
U.S. Will Continue to Accept Controversial Chinese Passports
State Dept. has 'concerns' that will be raised with the Chinese
November 27, 2012
State Spox Confirms Andrew W.K. Not Going to Bahrain
'When more senior management at the embassy took a look at this, the conclusion was that this was not an appropriate use of U.S. government funds'
November 26, 2012
CNN: Iran Fired at Unmanned U.S. Drone Last Week
Two fighter jets fired on an unmanned drone in international airspace without provocation
November 8, 2012