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Welch: McCain Has Too Much Confidence in Military to Shoot Down N. Korean Missile

'The thing about Senator McCain is he has a lot of confidence in the striking capacity and the definitive outcome of a military operation'

Flashback: McAuliffe Makes Faith-Based Claim

Va. gubernatorial candidate claimed he created 'over 100,000 jobs' in 2009 debate

Menendez Says He Hasn't Been Interviewed by FBI, Grand Jury

Embattled N.J. Dem 'happy to see' Medicare, port security actions reviewed

McCain Lights Up Obama DoD Appointee

McCain: Al Qaeda still a threat in Libya, Mali, Syria, Iraq

Morning Joe Panel Grills Kind, Himes on Entitlements and Healthcare

Scarborough: 'They don't say a whole lot, but they say it real pretty'

Krugman: No Correlation Between Regulations and Job Creation

Van Susteren tells Krugman to go and actually talk to small business owners