Free Beacon Videos

Manchin: DOJ Pulled Trigger Too Early On Miranda Rights

'I don't know what the rush to file the charges [was]'

Matthews: 'All We Do Is Kill Arabs on International Television'

MSNBC Exec in 2012: Matthews a 'statesman,' 'model' for network

Coburn on FAA Furloughs: It's Not Real, It's Cynical and It's Shameful

'When management tells the union people, we want you all to take your furlough the same day so we shut down the airlines in America, I would tell you, there's where your problem is'

McCain: 'Red Line' Has Been Crossed In Syria With Chemical Weapons

'The president clearly stated that [the use of chemical weapons] was a red line and that it couldn't be crossed without the United States taking vigorous action'