Free Beacon Mark Udall

The Latest

GOP Wave Deals Blow to Tom Steyer

Steyer went three-and-four, but the details are even worse for billionaire environmentalist

November 5, 2014

Gardner Wins Colorado

Support from Steyer not enough for Udall

November 4, 2014

SEIU’s Day of the Dead Voter

Ad asks Mexicans to turnout to ‘honor our ancestors’

November 2, 2014
Mark Udall

Poll: Udall Losing Support in Colorado

Republicans leading mail-in ballot by 9 points

October 30, 2014

Big Labor’s Servants

Right to work group highlights Democrats Landrieu, Pryor, Warner, Hagan, Udall, Braley, Orman, Weiland, and Grimes

October 28, 2014

Dem GOTV Group Caught on Camera Endorsing Voter Fraud

Hidden camera video shows the director of Work for Progress backing plans to cast fraudulent ballots

October 22, 2014
Mark Udall

Democracy Alliance Dark Money Network Spends Millions for Udall

Colorado Democrat professes distaste for dark money groups as they work to reelect him

October 21, 2014

Mark Udall’s Painful Interview

‘We can play this over…right? Let me re-tape this’

October 18, 2014

The Macaca Democrats

Column: Why the GOP Is Winning Election 2014

October 17, 2014