Poll: Obama Approval Rating Falls

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found President Barack Obama’s approval has fallen to 45 percent, its lowest level since late 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The Journal also reported that congressional disapproval is at an all-time high.

The public sourness comes just as Congress and the White House on Tuesday gave new indications they are headed this fall for the kind of clash over federal spending that has in the past driven up public disapproval. In the latest poll, Mr. Obama's job-approval rating fell to 45 percent, its lowest level since late 2011, while overall disapproval of Congress was at 83 percent, the highest level ever for Journal polling.

Just 29 percent of Americans now say the country is on the right track, a 19-month low and well below the 41 percent who felt that way at the end of last year, the poll found.

Published under: Obama Administration