Top Three Super PAC Donors Are Superrich Liberals

The top three donors to Super PACs so far this election cycle are all progressives shelling millions of dollars out in support of Democratic candidates, according to an analysis by the Sunlight Foundation.

The donors are environmentalist Tom Steyer, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Fred Eychaner. Steyer leads the group and has already contributed $20.2 million to multiple Super PACs this cycle.

Tom Steyer topped the list, donating just over $20 million. Steyer, a billionaire California hedge-fund manager, has been a major benefactor to groups working to combat climate change. He runs the NextGen super PAC which aims to elect pro-environment candidates. Steyer gave $5 million to the Senate Majority PAC, about $1.8 million to the CE Action Committee and $13.4 million to the NextGen Climate Action Committee.

Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, donated about $9.4 million, including $6.4 million to Independence USA, the super PAC he runs. Since leaving office in New York, Bloomberg has stepped into the role of one of America’s leading crusaders to strengthen gun laws and his PAC has lavished funds on supportive candidates. Bloomberg, a longtime registered political independent, also gave $2.5 million to the Senate Majority PAC, and lesser amounts to Americans for Responsible SolutionsMississippi Conservatives and West Main Street Values.

Fred Eychaner, a Chicago based media baron, spent $5.6 supporting Democratic-leaning super PACs this cycle. In 2012, Eychaner gave about $14 million to Democratic super PACs. This cycle Eychaner gave $4 million to the Senate Majority PAC, $1.5 million to the House Majority PAC and $150,000 to Battleground Texas.