There She Goes Again

DWS on platform debacle: 'There was no fight'

September 5, 2012

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz denied there was a conflict within the Democratic Party over the party platform's language, in an interview with ABC and Yahoo.

"There was no fight," Wasserman Schultz said.

Democratic officials scrambled Wednesday afternoon to restore language from the 2008 platform into the 2012 platform, after an uproar over the removal of the word God and a portion that declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Objections in the arena during a voice vote to restore the language forced three rounds of votes; boos could be heard in the arena as Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa declared the amendments passed.

The DNC chair has repeatedly insisted Wednesday evening that there was no discord over the measures, and the vote was sound.

"There wasn't any discord," she said in an interview with CNN. "It was absolutely two-thirds."

Politico reported Wednesday evening that Wasserman Schultz and DNC executive director Patrick Gaspard have been canceling interviews on the topic of the platform.